Monday, June 10, 2013

Weeping Tears of Joy

By Hazel Holland

As I was painting this watercolor that is both impressionistic and abstract, these particular verses of Scripture began flooding my heart. "When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion, our mouths were filled with laughter... our tongues with songs of joy...  Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy." Psalm 126:1-6

Then I remembered how the Spirit had prompted me to use this particular passage of Scripture in the introduction to this book, "The Naked Truth..." that I published on Amazon three years ago.  This book deals with the spiritual healing that God wants to bring to many of us who have been unknowingly involved in an incestuous family system within a church setting.  Trying to hide the family's dirty laundry from outsiders has caused a litany of human wreckage in so many lives.

The desire of my heart is to let the Lord uncover the roots of pain and dysfunction that have entwined themselves around our hearts, and thwarted many of our attempts toward spiritual healing and a healthy intimacy with God.  Although we may have wept tears of sorrow for what seems like a night, God's promise to us in the gospel is that His tears of joy will flood our hearts in the morning! ♥